Shining Armor and his butt. Skype chat got weeeeeeird.
Shining Armor and his butt.
Skype chat got weeeeeeird.
queendezzy: mylittledoxy: PONI PARADE IS ON ITS LAST LEG Half...
Half a day left (about 12 hours) before the project ends. A few new artist have been added for the comic and/or copubon including Tellu0120, Iizuna, Carnifex.
Most comics have been colored. Additional Derpy comic (as seen above). Tons of fun new copybon content.
Bonus 2 Mouse pads, 1 poster, USB key for digital content for book buyers.
Twilight Figurine reward level.
Check out the project here! »
We are VERY CLOSE to unlocking more really awesome reward levels including!$50,000 15% Size Upgrade to Book + USB Key 3D PVC Upgrade + Extra Poster
$53,000 Oppai Mouse Pads for Pledges $95 and higher
$60,000 Oppai Mouse Pads for all Book Receivers
Once Again! »
If your an artist on the project here's a good chance for a last push on the project promotion wise!PILLOWS FOR ALL BOOK RECIEVERS AT 70k IT ENDS IN A FEW MINUTES
Holy fuck, does pony porn make bank. This is ridiculous, mang.
horseofpretense: Ladies and gents, I don't often preach,...
Ladies and gents, I don't often preach, because it ain't really up my alley. I usually have better things to do. That being said, I'd like you to read what I have up above, if you haven't already.
Now, you might think I'm going to start some tirade about "Hasbro is the devil" or "mlp rip in pieces" or something like that. Nope. Instead, I want to take this here. This right here as an example. An example of something that for some inexplicable reason the fandom loves doing to itself.
It's rampant. Ridiculously so. For the past three seasons now people have constantly decided to pop up shouting apocalypse, be it Hasbro canceling the next season or some insane, infuriating change being made. Every. Fucking. Time. Either they claim they work for Hasbro or they're some insider or yadda yadda yadda.
Stop it. Just… stop it.
This has nothing to do with whether or not this alleged Hasbro employee is telling the truth or not. In fact, this compilation is from almost over a month ago now. What it has to do with is the fact that someone is getting their sick kicks out of pouring kerosene on the constant bonfire that is bronydom hysteria. Whether you are telling the truth or not, you are not helping.
What you're doing instead is what every media outlet nowadays loves to do: scare people. Terrify them and make them feed their own fear by swallowing your bullshit. This is not helpful, this is not preventative, this is not informative. This is toxic. This is being manipulative with language and pouncing on the insecurities and uncertainties of people who don't know any better. What market research consultant goes on /mlp/ to spread shit about his employer's product? What market research consultant thinks in his minuscule mind that Seth is in any way aware of Hasbro's decisions, or anyone in this fandom? Are you high?
This show will change. The characters will change. Everything will change and eventually the show will come to an end. That's an inevitable truth. But fanning the flames of that anxiety by spreading rubbish like this does nothing except make people hysterical, and when they're hysterical, they're stupid, and you get crap like Derpygate all over again.
The possession of knowledge endows the possessor with an ethical responsibility and power. So what's the point of using that power to spread fear in guise of awareness when it has no real effect? There is none. It's nothing but the creation of mass hysteria.
Be reasonable. Ignore this sort of tripe and avoid spreading it yourself. Consider that my PSA for the year or something like that.
datcatwhatcameback: alisonwonderland1951: OH MY GOD BERRY!...
Oh god oh god that Roseluck aaaaaaaagh
I can't help it. I've been playing this shit on loop...
I can't help it. I've been playing this shit on loop all morning.
Why is Plastic Beach so fucking good?
you were a child when you first heard Feel Good Inc? I'd ask you how old you are but I'm afraid you'll make me feel really old and worthless for not accomplishing as much as you have
But seriously, my age doesn't matter for shit, and I honestly haven't accomplished diddly squat.
Some test sketches. Mucking around with lines and color,...
Some test sketches. Mucking around with lines and color, designing an OC that I thought up on a whim. We'll be seeing more of her.
I fucking LOVE the Gorillaz. Been a fan since their debut. C:
When I was a child, the first time I heard Gorillaz was in a mall, where I caught a snippet of "Feel Good Inc." playing over the radio. It was like magic. Back then, I had no idea how or where to find out anything about the song or the band. It wasn't until five or so years later that I accidentally heard their music again and realized that it was by the same band. I've loved them ever since, and it was really sad when I read about their breakup in the paper. They've defined by taste in music, really.
you sure like gorillaz,but which band member do you enjoy the most? 2-D's mine personally.
Oh gosh, I haven't the foggiest. I love them all so much. They all bring something unique to the band. If I had to pick, I'd probably have to say Russel.
I spent the last hour looking at images of cartoon pony butts online as well as reading tutorials on how to draw them.
You know, I thought rock bottom would have a lot more rocks and less horse posteriors.
Mutagenics. The ideals of perfect fluffy pony genetics.
Skoon. We ride.
that's some nice porn son.
It's some damn nice porn. I'm falling in love with this artist.
datcatwhatcameback: queendezzy: You guys just don't KNOW how...
You guys just don't KNOW how much I love Photo Finish ♥
Oh lawd.
Movin' Shit Around
Those of you who may have randomly decided to go to the ringmaster tumblr will have found the url to 404. However, if you looked for it in your followed blogs, you may have found instead some thing called Alabaster Cube! That’s because I’ve switched things up in terms of how my tumblr setup works.
- Alabaster Cube is my new modblog. On this blog I’ll be doing stuff like random text posts or whatever, but more importantly, all my SFW drawings will now be posted there instead.
- If you were following the Ringmaster tumblr before, you’re now following the aforementioned blog instead. If you’re not interested in my SFW art, then unfollow that one and instead waddle on over to Basement Archives, where all the Ringmaster posts have been posted for safekeeping until I figure out if I want to do anything with them. (Or hey, you know, keep following my new modblog.)
- THIS blog will now serve to house my stranger/NSFW art instead, and will be marked appropriately.
All my blogs will be experiencing some shifts in naming/theme for some reasons I can’t go into just yet, but the things I’ve mentioned above will remain constant. That being said, use what I’ve said here to follow/unfollow/whatever you want to do with my clusterfuck of blogs. Hope to see you guys here and elsewhere. Adios!
That weird moment when half your brain tells you to study for...
That weird moment when half your brain tells you to study for exams and the other half tells you to draw Roseluck dancing because squee.
Good thing I have my priorities straight.
whens the next ringmaster update coming?? its been forever
I draw shit on two conditions: time and desire.
Right now I have neither the time nor the desire to draw any Ringmaster posts, and don't see that coming anytime in the near future.
Hardest exam tomorrow and friday. TIME TO GO HARD
Hardest exam tomorrow and friday.
Because it's technically already May 7th in Singapore,...
Because it's technically already May 7th in Singapore, consider this a somewhat early birthday present for Skooooooooon. Happy birthday, mate. Keep a chin up!
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